• By FG
  • 28/09/2021

Last week, Alejandro Tiana, Secretary of State for Education, presented the first space of the AULAS DEL FUTURO network at the headquarters of the National Institute for Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF). This new classroom is the first of a network promoted by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MEFP) in collaboration with the autonomous communities, which will provide each community and city with its own Aula del Futuro.

In Tiana’s words, “Our students are the society of the future, and all members of the educational community must work to help, guide, and support them in their personal and professional development towards a society that will be more technological, better educated, more competitive, and modern, but that must also be fairer, more inclusive, and collaborative."

Through the AULA DEL FUTURO, the aim is to create a flexible space divided into zones, equipped with a sufficient variety of technological resources and dynamic furniture to ensure the development of the students’ skills. RESEARCH, EXPLORE, INTERACT, DEVELOP, CREATE, and PRESENT. All with the ultimate goal of promoting and stimulating the teaching and learning processes, making the student the true protagonist of the entire learning process, and the teacher their mentor, guide, and advisor.

This ambitious project is backed by leading brands in the technology and education sectors, such as Samsung as the driving company, FEDERICO GINER as an expert in school furniture, Smart Technologies, IT3D Group, Robotix, and the Vodafone Spain Foundation as collaborating entities. All of this aims to promote the widespread use of active methodologies in teaching and learning processes, supported by digital technologies and the transformation of educational spaces.

“We begin this new school year by inaugurating the Aula del Futuro space for teacher training, a unique space where teachers from all over the country can meet, share, learn, improve their skills – especially digital competence – and transfer their learning to the classroom and the activities they carry out daily with their students," said Alejandro Tiana.

The inauguration ceremony was also attended by the Director General of Evaluation and Territorial Cooperation, María Dolores López Sanz, the director of INTEF, Julio Albalad Gimeno, and representatives from the driving company and collaborating entities. On behalf of FG, our colleague Federico Giner participated, and in his presentation, he discussed the importance of suitable furniture that adapts not only to the space but also to the needs of both the teacher and the student.

The creation of this network of physical spaces continues the Future Classroom project initiated in 2015. It corresponds to the implementation of the Future Classroom Lab project in Spain, coordinated by the European education ministries’ consortium, European Schoolnet, in which Spain has participated since its inception. This project aims to highlight key topics for both students and teachers, such as virtual and augmented reality, digital formative assessment, digital teaching competence, and STEAM activities (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in connection with Arts and Humanities).

This educational initiative brings us closer to a future that, soon, many teachers and students will be able to enjoy, transforming their learning into a life experience that will support their professional and personal development.

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