
Flexible, Adaptable, and Technological: STEAM Classrooms

Or at least be reserved for very specific situations. That is the perception of numerous experts and studies dedicated to educational innovation, who see school furniture as a driving force and facilitator of new pedagogical experiences.


Amparo Alonso: “The Pedagogical Possibilities of Changing Furniture Arrangement Are Enormous”

Amparo Alonso holds a PhD in Specific Didactics in Visual Arts from the University of Valencia. Her research focuses on […]


Innovative Educational Projects Around the World

Copenhagen, Sydney, Barcelona… We propose a journey around the world of pedagogical and educational innovation.


If new technologies are used correctly, they are a great motivation for students

We interview Manuel García Vuelta, a Senior Industrial Engineer with over 30 years of experience in using interactive tools in classrooms.

A Retrospective of a Century of School Furniture

Our historical collection of school chairs, along with the new FG furniture models, have been the main highlights of an exhibition for two days. We invite you to see it.


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