Innovation, leadership, or entrepreneurship are some of the concepts that come to the minds of thousands of young people when choosing what to study. The entrance exams or EBAU 2020 are just around the corner, and although nerves and anxiety are present, the excitement to close one chapter and begin another is great. After all, starting a degree or higher vocational training represents the beginning of the rest of our life.

Innovation and leadership Federico Giner | School Furniture

We are talking about a generation aware of the place these concepts occupy in society and in various professional sectors, as drivers of growth and economic development in all countries to foster a welfare society. This new vision, which more and more young people want to access, is responsible for a new transformation in higher education and vocational training.

Education is increasingly synonymous with change. This period is important, not only for students but also for teachers who, unknowingly, become the responsible ones shaping students into good people, entrepreneurs, and great professionals who lead teams with determination and effectiveness to achieve the goals set by companies. Education has increasingly adapted to the demands of the labor market, and especially to the concerns of young people who must enter it prepared and confident in their skills and attitudes towards life.

Innovation and leadership Federico Giner | School Furniture

Universities play a leading role as physical spaces where all this transformation will take place. It is in their hands to create spaces that promote teamwork, creativity, autonomy, and personal growth, preparing students as future leaders, thus bringing them closer to the reality of the labor market.

Professional concerns push education to renew and transform itself, both inside and out. Educating for entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership involves teachers, students, and organizations, meaning we must all row in the same direction to achieve the set goals, which are none other than launching good professionals into the world.

The methodologies designed to promote entrepreneurship in university classrooms translate into spaces designed for this purpose. Practical careers refer to spaces where students can develop products, design, and work with materials that are easy to move, transport, and that enhance their group and individual focus.

Innovation and leadership Federico Giner | School Furniture

FEDERICO GINER has been part of education for years, both in schools and in public and private high schools and universities, adapting its products to the needs of teachers and students, offering ergonomically tested and designed furniture to help students achieve the professional success they deserve.

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