Ergonomics in school furniture, key to the well-being of young children.

Back pain, discomfort, lack of attention, and even visual stress. These are some of the negative consequences that desks and school chairs with poor ergonomics cause in young children, a harmful effect that can influence their academic performance.

At Federico Giner, we have been dedicated to the manufacture of school furniture for over a hundred years, and the well-being and comfort of children and students have always been the center of our work and our products, characterized by their robustness and durability, capable of serving generations of students year after year.

Moreover, all the furniture developed by Federico Giner, also in this new stage, undergoes strict quality controls by the Ergonomics laboratory of the Institute of Biomechanics of Valencia (IBV) at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV).

And we look beyond. In collaboration with the IBV, we will soon begin gathering real experiences from teachers and educational institutions about the use of school furniture. We want to learn firsthand, through surveys and meetings, what the real and specific needs are of the education system at a time when new technologies and concepts like multiple intelligences, project-based learning, and values-based learning, among others, are becoming increasingly common.

As a result of our commitment to quality, which we want to continue strengthening, Federico Giner has recently received, for the first time under the umbrella of Profesionales de Mobiliario Escolar, S.L. (PME), the ISO 9001 accreditation, an international standard that sets the quality control requirements, including criteria such as continuous improvement of process efficiency, resource management, documentation, and product manufacturing, among others.

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