Federico Giner in the Press

Press and media

The relaunch of our brand had a significant presence in the media, both general and specialized, which echoed the redesign of Federico Giner’s image and products.

From the perspective of the general press, it is worth highlighting the articles published in Levante-EMV and Valencia Plaza.

In the first newspaper, two articles were published: one focused on the brand’s renewal and the other on the legacy of Federico Giner.

Levante-EMV – Brand Relaunch

Levante-EMV – Death of Federico Giner

También  Valencia Plaza  reported the passing of Giner and, in the same piece, addressed the new era initiated by the company.

Regarding design and interior design media, the news of Federico Giner’s relaunch was well received on platforms such as  Interiores Minimalistas ,  Neo2 ,  DiarioDesign ,  Infurma  y  Gráffica .

However, it is particularly noteworthy that the information about the brand’s redesign was featured, in its English version, by  DesignBoom .

It is a feature in this prestigious publication that many international media outlets and platforms

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