Who would have told us everything we have experienced since something as small as COVID-19 entered, not only our vocabulary but also our reality. How many aspects of our lives have changed?

One fundamental aspect, which concerns all of us, has been education. The entire educational community, including parents, teachers, and students, has been subjected to changes in the way teaching is carried out, which first became challenges, and then turned into realities.


The concept of “new normality” looms over our heads, without anyone being able to really define what it is and how it will be. The first phase of confinement helped us understand, up close, not only the capacities and obstacles of our educational system, but also of each one of us.

To try to understand what will happen in classrooms from September, what changes and/or adjustments should occur beyond those indicated by the Ministry of Education, FEDERICO GINER, school furniture professionals, has created the project #AULADELFUTURO. Its objective is to generate dialogue with education professionals about whether the new context/post-Covid school “new normality” will help us move toward a more active, flexible education in line with the new demands of today’s society.

Thus, taking this premise into account, and under the umbrella of the “#AULADELFUTURO Project,” two actions were created to gather first-hand information on education in classrooms. On the one hand, a series of open dialogues took place on Tuesday, June 30, and Thursday, July 2, where we had the opportunity to hear from prominent professionals in the education sector such as Fran Corbí, Clara Isabel García, Javier Bernabeu, Enrique Escandón, and Javier Bahón. In these discussions, our moderator Begoña Vaquero had a relaxed coffee with them to listen, and above all, learn from how they are going to approach the return to school.


On the other hand, a questionnaire was created for the entire educational community to find out how education and learning were experienced during the confinement, and what we have learned from it. With the most interesting results, FEDERICO GINER has prepared the FG2020 REPORT: #AULADELFUTURO PROJECT, where the conclusions of both actions are gathered to evaluate what happened in the educational community, how the confinement was experienced, and how we are going to face the reopening of schools in September.


At FEDERICO GINER, we invite you to download our report so that you can also have a global view of everything that this health crisis has meant for education. In this way, we can begin adapting to the new times we are living in. With this philosophy, FG also launches our new FG2020 Catalog, with new solutions that perfectly adapt to the space, the methodology, the needs of the educational community, and, above all, to the new times.

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